Sunday, July 15, 2012

欢迎光临我的新的关于binary option 的网站

欢迎光临我的新的关于binary option 的网站,那里的博客更方便交流,不需要登记注册。

Saturday, July 14, 2012


(一) 耐性
汤姆•佩蒂(Tom Petty) 曾经说过,等待是最难的一部分。瑜伽大师Yogi Bhajan亦告诉我们要懂得等待 耐性是会得到回报,所以就让我们把一切都交给让创造万物的上天。要明白的是,很多交易就是要等待。等最好的买卖、等目标价位、等目标赔率… …我可以说,冲动和鲁莽会令我们做出很多愚蠢的事情。如果没有等的能耐,纯粹是一时兴起或觉得刺激好玩而参与投资,那么到美国一趟跳降伞或者还会比较化算。没赚钱总比蚀钱好。所以我放入每一分钱之前,最少要确定可得的回报令所冒的风险值得。我们不是为了交易而交易。令自己喜欢等待吧,就是等待让我赚钱的。
(三) 感恩
听过半杯水的比喻吧?如果你在一天赚到10点,你会是那种抱怨自己得不到桌上15点的投资者,还是会为所得的10点而感恩?希腊哲学家爱比克泰德(Epictetus)曾说:「聪明人不会为自己没有的东西而怨天尤人,而是为自己所拥有的东西而欢欣鼓舞。」还记得自己曾多少次因错过投资机会或做错了关键性的一步而感到不愤或沮丧吗?总觉得自己可以赚得更多这是投资者一个很常见的心理,而且这的确是真的。事实上,从市场中可赚的钱多得根本没可能赚得完。学会懂得庆幸自己能在无限中分得一杯羹,这比无止境地抱怨更来得实际。本人挺喜欢乐队地,风与火(Earth, Wind& Fire)的歌,当中有些挺有意思,也许可以和大家分享一下:Wanna thank you, Wanna thank youFreedom in stride, love, peace of mindWe just wanna give Gratitude.Gratitude- Earth, Wind & Fire歌中意思,大概是乐队因思想上有步伐、爱和平静的自由而感恩。恒常获利的投资者就是那些懂感恩的人。让我们都知足常乐。




我们得到以下两个经纪商的确认:Everest Index和 CommexFX,他们已经获得塞浦路斯证券交易委员会二元期权交易的批准,处在业务开展的过程中。
随着2012年5月3日,塞浦路斯证券交易委员会(Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission ,Cysec)所宣布的确认二元期权已经纳入现行法律监管范围,并确定了一个过渡期,要求在塞浦路斯运营的未受监管的经纪商申请相关许可。塞浦路斯证券交易委员会被认为最近进一步采取了决定性的一步来显示塞浦路斯作为现代金融服务中心,维护其可信度的强烈决心;同时,塞浦路斯证券交易委员会智能监管执行部门所维护的一个对商业有利的环境。
事实上,360 Consulting (对所谓已授权经纪商进入二元期权提供了实施方式,比原来公告的时间要早的多。
360 Consulting主管Costas Constantinides尼先生说除了别的之外,如果前瞻性咨询服务可以满足开放性业务的需求,那么伟大的商业成就尤其能够实现:
一个咨询公司当然不是对了解深入的“材料”,“白费力气地做重复工作”。在这方面,我们360 Consulting的团队拥有知识和经验,早在2006、2007年的时候,我们就开始有了第一个外汇授权的记录,因此,从2009、2010年开始,我们就认准了二元期权的发展,以及法律(塞浦路斯和伯利兹城)范围内的相关工具类别,其中包括二元期权和(按照它们的特点及规定同类别产品的类似特点)运营。





二元期权几乎不进行全世界范围的管理,大部分管理机构需要多花几年时间才能跟得上管理的脚步。在美国,二元期权是受到管理的(Nadex是唯一一家授权的交易所),日本要求经纪商注册,澳大利亚Market Punter(Trade Smarter旗下的一个品牌)也选择需要注册(尚不清楚这是否为必须的)。而在世界其他地方,管理是一个灰色地带,很多管理机构仍然不愿意处理这个边缘市场。例如,塞浦路斯证监会(CySec)认为这个产品并不受其司法管理。



SpotOption有限公司在网站上宣布他们成功获得白标许可证。自从期权清算公司(Options Clearing Corporation)在公开市场上将二元期权的交易合法化,在线运营商享有这项业务带来的名望和成功。由于二元期权是一种简单的外汇形式,交易者只需要在一定的时间期限内,预测一种资产价格的涨跌,所以这个行业也被划分为“金融博彩”。http://www.onetwotrade.com上SpotOption的白标已经正式从彩票博彩管理局(Lotteries and Gaming Authority,LGA)获得了许可证,他们网站上的交易者可以得到马耳他负责管理所有博彩活动组织的支持,进行金融博彩交易。


SpotOption旗下所有品牌是可靠安全的网站。交易者可以在轻松兴奋的环境中以最小的风险得到高回报。二元期权的流行在于其模式的吸引力,但是SpotOption这个领先品牌受欢迎是源于他们已建立的可信赖的声誉。他们为交易者提供及时的分红回报、安全的支付方式以及一个简单可靠的平台。SpotOption旗下品牌机构得到其解决方案的支持,仍保持市场的领导地位,他们不断提供新的功能、引领新的趋势,例如ProTrader(扩大了图型交易)、One-Touch(当市场停业时,回报可高达500%)、60 Seconds(期限非常短),还有一些有用的功能,如Double Up、Roll-over和能随时进行交易的智能手机的应用程序。

SpotOption有限公司的创始人Pini Peter说:“相对来说,由于二元期权仍是一个未开发的市场,运营商一直享有宽松的管理规则。OneTwoTrade希望能让交易者们更放心,而做出进一步的努力,这是一个很好的决定。我们慎重的选择合作伙伴。那些我们选择出来的合作伙伴和我们一样,维护自己的声誉。我们也会尽最大的努力确保他们的品牌成功。”

Friday, July 13, 2012

NADEX 的作息时间

就Forex而言,好像到周五的3pm(ET)就结束交易了,星期天6pm 重新开始。


因为nadex 受到监管,所以资金相对安全,但同时风险与利益并存,它的每次交易不如其他binary option brokers  刺激,盈利和亏损较小,所以此时nadex 收取的手续费就显得有些多。而且它是在买卖时都收费,$ 0.9/lot, 所以一次买卖完成,nadex 实际收取$1.8 /lot (if lots<10).

Thursday, July 12, 2012

nadex 手续费

  •  $0.90 for each lot settled in-the-money from 1 up to and including 10 lots;
  • an additional $0.60 for each lot settled in-the-money from 11 up to and including 20 lots;
  • an additional $0.40 for each lot settled in-the-money from 21 up to and including 50 lots;
  • an additional $0.25 for each lot settled in-the-money over 50 lots.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

step 2

i am only interested in forex trade,so after log in
go to watchlists
choose expiring soon (forex)
choose eur/usd or anything else
you will see it will expire in 1or 2 hours, i dont like daily trade.
chose a range
then buy or sell
seems it   closes a couple minutes   early before the expiration time.
then check your order history and My Account to make sure it is traded.
when time expire, you will know you win or lost.

it is more complicated than other binary option brokers, but maybe that is why it is regulated and safer for your funds.

during the whole process, need to make clear at where you should buy and sell, as to the size, not important.

so far, i am still not very clear how the company charges me and rewards me. i dont mean the trade fee.


Create a demo account. it is valid in 2 weeks.

NADEX binary option videos

1 Introduction to Binary Options
2.Binary Options Risk and Reward
3Strike Prices
4 Price and Underlying Market
5 Price at Expiration

does anyone trade with ?

Nadex Review


Nadex is a binary options was founded in mid-2010 and stands for North American Derivatives Exchange. The company’s website is open and lists their address showing them to be based in Chicago, USA. The platform is 100% web-based.
As there is no software download needed, trading is simple. You can log in as a member of Nadex and place your orders directly into the exchange. Streaming data: no need to refresh, data is updated automatically in real-time. Trade stock indices, commodities, forex, and economic events with limited risk in a transparent, regulated market.
User-Friendly 6/10
Trade directly into the Nadex order book using top technology. Place orders, view real-time prices, review your trading history and manage your account
The website is informative, but it is not so user-friendly. But it is 100% web-based, allowing for an easy trading experience.
Nadax binary options platform is suitable for advanced binary options traders, and not for beginners.
Assets & Expiry Times 8.5/10
There is an average number of assets that can be traded with Nadex: 21 stocks forex and commodities. This is a lot, as you are trading through an exchange on a regulated market.
Trade with Nadex on the following expiry times: intraday/hourly, daily and weekly. A good choice considering Nadex is regulated by CFTC.
Commissions, Customer Service & Return Rates 6/10
There are fees that you will have to pay if you trade binary options with Nadex. The fees are $1 for each contract filled and a maximum of $7 for each trade/order.  There is also a $1 fee for each binary option contract settled – many fees that only the most experienced binary options trader will choose to trade with Nadex. There are also withdrawal fees: wire transfer and returned cheques cost $25.
Nadex offers you top quality customer service via phone and email or fax or call back. Each question and query is handled individually. Therefore, every time a trader contacts Nadex, they can contact the customer service team to solve their problems. Nadex is open for trading from 6:00pm ET Sunday through 4:15pm ET Friday, excluding end-of-day processing hours which occur from 5pm to 6pm ET, Monday through Thursday. Customer Service is available during all regular trading session hours. The Exchange is closed on most U.S. holidays.
The return rate is up to 75% if your trade wins, but there is no return if your trade loses –average for the binary option industry.
Deposit Options, Languages & Bonuses 3.5/10
Deposit via Wire Transfer, ACH and electronic cheque.
Nadax is only available in English o cater for the Nadax exchange traders.
No bonus offers mentioned on the site
Additional Features 10/10
There are many additional features on the Nadax website, which is one of its best qualities. These are the Rules, Notices, Hours & Holidays, Daily Bulletin, Fees and results tabs, which are accessible from the bottom of the homepage – great tools for Nadax traders.
Under the Binary Options tab, you can view explanations of How to Trade Binary Options, Binary Contracts, Gold Binary Contracts and Forex Binary Options. These are just a few of many of the additional features of the Nadax website.
You can also sign up for a $25K demo, a great feature to get into trading with Nadax and binary options. On the binary options trading platform, you can change the layouts to whatever you prefer, and save them too, so whenever you log in to your account, the previously saved layout will be in use.
There are top quality real time charts that you can monitor your trades with.
There are many other features that Nadax has available on their website.

Binary Options. Beware!!!

Warning about Binary Options

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How can we tell some signs that a broker might be a scam?

1) Look at the country in which the broker is based out of. If this broker is from a country with poor regulatory infrastructure then stay away unless you are hearing great things about the company from REAL reviews.

2) Check the binary option brokers page to discover who is scamming you and who is the real deal.

3) Go to and type in “BROKER NAME scam” and see what you find. However be aware that competitors try and hurt the good guys as well. So be sure you read through the complaints and see if you find any replies from the brokerage itself. If the brokerage is replying and wants to help fix the problem if there is one, then this is a good sign. However if the company is not responding to comments then please take this as a BIG negative that they are not actively trying to fix problems.

4) Talk to them, chat with them, e-mail them and have an ongoing correspondence with them before becoming a client. This is your money, and you should be able to test out their support before investing. If they have quick, reliable and knowledgeable support, they may very well be a legitimate broker.

5) Ask around, go on some forums or chat rooms and ask others about your particular broker and see if anyone has had any real dealings with them and can give you proof that they are a reliable company.

Only legit binary option dealer in the US

a suggestion from bhf in Mitbbs:

I would suggest you switch to It is the only legit binary option 
dealer in the US, regulated by FTC. Cyprus based firms are basically online 
gambling companies not regulated. Your fund's safety is a big issue, not 
even mention legal/tax issues.


it is a picture of today's forex.   put at 1447 with 1.01927, higher than end point.

Monday, July 9, 2012

For hourly binary option,在40-50分钟之间,创新高的要put ,新低的要call ,这样做正确的可能性在95%以上。

Call or put

在40-50mins 之间,凡是有急跌或急升并创新低或新高的外汇对,可立即put or call. 30min-40min 密切关注,轻易不要动,因为还有很多变数,宁可错过,不能做错。下面几个图很能说明问题。可以不用考虑是单边下跌 还是单边上涨 ,还是neutral trending. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

2 cases

For the first one, at close 50min, it was new high point, 1.55244, so i put it, but because it was not obviously high,  so i lost.

The second one, i called at 40min, it is real lowest point, so i won it.

3 cases ,good to put

以上3个cases,在40-50min之间都有trade signal, 因为此前均为波浪型走势,所以创新高后必然要回调。

other 2 cases

the two pictures above have obvious trend--going down, even they both have lower point than before between 40-50mins, but they are all fake trade signals, never touch them. you can see the results that,  the end point is the real lowest point, if you put early, you will lose this time. so following the  rules is very important.

2 cases


1. Austrilian 的  交易系统的时间是我们本地时间。只做hourly binary option.图形看起来比较舒服。
2. American 的BANC DE binary ,, 交易系统的时间是GMT时间。有10mins to 1hr 的option的。但图形看起来不如trademaster 好。

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


这是个类似于单边下跌走势,在40-50分钟之间没有signal 可判断。



Best brokers

Trade Rush   


Phone number UK (Toll free): 0808 189 1458

Phone number USA (Toll free): 1800 986 6318

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 2% to 15%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

Review: Trade Rush Review



Phone number UK (Toll free): 0800 917 4606

Phone number USA: +1 866 844 4540

Phone number International: +44 208 099 7262

Minimum investment: 100 USD

Options profitability: from 65% to 71%

Touch Options (weekend only): from 100% to 280%

Option refund if out of the money: 15%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Anyoption Platform

Review: Anyoption Review

Option click   


Phone number UK: +44 203 514 0068

Phone number USA: +1 647 258 6417

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 0% to 15%

Additional Options: Touch Options and Boundary

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Option Fair Platform

Ikko trader    


Phone number UK: +44 203 393 3273

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 2 to 15%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

Review: Ikko Trader Review

Trader XP      Website:

Phone number UK: +44 203 355 0067

Phone number USA: +1 646 416 9039

Minimum investment: 100 USD

Options profitability: from 66% to 75%

Option refund if out of the money: 10%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

Review: Trader XP Review


Phone number USA (Toll free): 1800 656 6163

Phone number International: +1 212 710 5905

Minimum investment: 500 USD

Options profitability: from 66% to 75%

Option refund if out of the money: 10%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

GT Options    Website:

Phone number USA: +1 718 684 9050

Phone number UK:+44 203 519 2710

Minimum investment: 250 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 90%

Option refund if out of the money: 0% to 10%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

24 option

Phone number UK: +44 203 355 7204

Phone number USA: +1 347 542 8942

Minimum investment: 250 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 0% to 15%

Additional Options: Touch Options and Boundary

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Option Fair Platform

Review: 24 Option Review

Option bit      


Phone number UK: +44 203 150 0934

Phone number USA: +1 415 373 1665

Minimum investment: 100 USD

Options profitability: from 75% to 81%

Option refund if out of the money: 0%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Tradologic Platform

Review: Option Bit Review


Phone number International: +33 173 047 947

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 75% to 81%

Option refund if out of the money: 0%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Tradologic Platform

EZ TRADER   Website:

Phone number UK: +44 203 026 6931

Phone number USA: +1 877 846 1365

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 65% to 95%

Option refund if out of the money: 0 to 5%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: EZ Trader Platform

Review: EZ Trader Review

Win Options   

Phone number UK: +44 203 355 5288

Phone number USA:+1 646 918 5359

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 2% to 15%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform

Review: Winoptions Review

VIP Binary    

Phone number International: +1 646 461 4999

Phone number USA: +1 855 497 7277

Minimum investment: 250 USD

Options profitability: from 70% to 85%

Option refund if out of the money: 2% to 15%

Can trade: Forex, Indices, Stocks, Commodities

Traders from USA: Allowed

Platform: Spot Option Platform





仍然只是模拟,6只做了4只期权,全赚。 体会是在30-40分钟密切观察,并参考上一个小时走势;如果真有大幅上涨或下跌,要call or put; 如果幅度不大,要在40-50分钟之间再做决定。对于横盘,不管在高位还是低位都不要碰。对于单边上扬或下跌的要小心。最好的就是波浪型的了。

模拟操作体会 1

 在30-50 分钟之间,新高put ,新低call。如果横盘整理无波浪不要动。如果横盘但是有波浪,波峰put,波谷call。

每天3-4 次。按照这一原则,今晚10-11pm 操作,共有5只外汇对比, 有两只横盘走势不清楚没有动。另3只两个在波峰put ,一个在波谷call,全部正确。

binary options strategy


Have you joined a binary options trading platform and wondering- what are the best binary options strategies that will put you in a position to make incredible profits every day? As binary options trading has become an increasingly growing trend worldwide, top binary options brokers and individual investors have assessed and identified a selection of binary options strategies that are the best methods a trader may use in order to excel in the binary options market. After applying these binary options strategies to your trading experience, you will discover unique strategic approaches that are guaranteed to position you among the most successful traders in the binary options industry who are reaping lucrative rewards.

Binary Options Strategies #1:
The Reversal

The most popular amongst the binary options strategies is called “the Reversal” strategy. This strategy is used when an investor observes that an asset suddenly moves in a specific direction, but detects that the asset is highly unlikely to stay at that peak and will move towards its original position; if not all of the way. Therefore, the investor will quickly buy a “Call” or “Put” Option depending on whether the price of the asset has risen abruptly or fallen abruptly.

Example: You decide to trade S&P Future and see that it has been consistent at 2,000 and then quickly jumps to 2,700 within a short period of time and then quickly jumps back to its low peak.  You will then decide to quickly purchase an option when it is close to its original point.

Binary Options Strategies #2:
The Straddle

While “the Straddle” may be associated as one of the more complex binary options strategies, this strategy is capable of yielding double, profitable returns for the investor.  This tactic is when a trader pairs both a “Call” and “Put” Option on the same asset.  Essentially, the investor straddles the asset at both a high and low point (between the two prices) so that this creates a nested position and ultimately a double success for the investor at the time of expiry.

Binary Options Strategies #3:
The Double Trade

Binary options strategies such as “the Double Trade” are commonly used by investors who have an advanced awareness of the financial markets. This strategy is used when an investor purchases an asset and subsequently, observes that the trade is proceeding in the investors favor. The investor will choose to purchase another option with the same asset.  Ultimately, this strategy will provide the investor with an increased profit on their original investment.

Example: You purchased a $100 “Put” Option of Nasdaq at 5,000. Before the expiry time, you notice that this trade is proceeding in your favor and trading below this level. Then you will purchase another “Put” Option.

Binary Options Strategies #4:
The Knock on Effect (aka Market Pull Strategy)

This is a favorite amongst the binary options strategies and a useful tactic that skilled traders apply to any asset. By following news headlines, the trader recognizes that a move in one asset has a “Knock on Effect” to another asset. More simply stated, the trader invests in either a “Call” or “Put” Option based on dramatic changes in the markets. Stock prices affect index prices. A country’s asset affects the price of commodities.

For example: Latest news reports announce that the value of the dollar is dropping. The trader will then purchase a “Put” Option of USD/EU.  The basic concept of this method compared to other binary options strategies is that trader perceives that this coupled currency will drop.


Keep in mind that the wonderful phenomenon of trading binary options is that it is simple and anyone may trade!  Nonetheless, mastering binary options strategies are easily achieved once you apply one or more methods that fit your trading style. The binary options strategies that one may use while investing are numerous and different strategies are fitting for different people when trading various assets.  This means you should select amongst the binary options strategies that work best for you and ultimately present you with profitable and worthwhile trading results.

Binary Options: An exciting investment

Often dreamt of how you can start a worthwhile investment- whether for the short or long term. But you never knew how? The secret to accomplishing this dream is trading binary options. Even big investors, who capitalize in the stock market, have begun trading binary options – since there is minimal loss involved. With binary options, the system is strategically designed to allow a trader to turn a small investment into a high profit within a short period of time. If making 70% return sounds appealing to you, than binary options is the way to go!

There is no middle ground with binary options, you either win or lose. Basically, you purchase a contract at either the Call or Put Option and predict if your asset (such as indices, commodities, stocks, or currency pairs) will either fall or rise within a certain period of time that you choose. If your prediction was right or “in-the-money” you win and if your prediction was incorrect or “out-of-the-money” than you lose.

How binary options works

The “contract” you are purchasing at the beginning of your trade, with most binary options trading platforms, is fixed price such as $100, $150, etc. If you invest $100 in an option, and if your prediction is correct, then you will receive $100 for the option plus an additional 60-70% offered by the binary option platform you are a part of. However, if your prediction is incorrect then you lose your investment.

Trading Binary Options Exhibit A:

The asset you choose to invest in is gold

Strike price for purchasing (Call Option) is at 30000
Strike price for selling (Put Option) is at 7000

By judging the market and the strike prices you estimate in which direction you think the stock will go. So, let’s say you purchase the Call Option. The last strike price for calls was at 20000 and now it is at 30000. When you purchase you are estimating that the price of gold will be at 30000 or more on the date of expiration. If you are correct, you will then receive the set amount of money that you invested in plus 60-70% per contract. If you are incorrect, and the price of gold drops back down, you will lose all money invested.

Binary Options benefits to the investor

It is no wonder why binary options have become a growing trend in the financial market considering the advantages it provides investors. This powerful investment tool is cost efficient, low risk, has the potential for high return and flexible.

The most incredible advantage of binary options is the opportunity for the investor to make a quick profit in a short time period such as one hour. Who could imagine you could make anywhere between 60-70% in such a short time! Investors have the ability to choose a variety of assets and trade on financial markets around the world.

What big investors love about trading binary options is that they may trade whatever amount they would like with no limitations. Most importantly, most binary options platforms enable the trader to choose the time period they would like their trade to last- an hour, day, week and/or month. This allows the investor to not only choose an asset they feel most comfortable with, but also give them time to make the best prediction of their trade so they are “in-the-money.”

Most importantly, investors are flocking to binary options because it is a fun and exciting method for traders to make high profits. Now what are you waiting for? Start making money with binary options.

Steps to binary options trading

Once you have begun binary options trading, you will see why big investors are flocking to this market. Binary options trading is new, exciting and allows you to make high profits either short or long term. If you haven’t already joined abinary options platform, what are you waiting for? Join a platform today and follow this guide to assist your binary options trading experience. When you begin binary options trading, you will surely understand why this new industry is booming and how you, too, can join the big investors and make high sums of money.

Step 1: Join the best binary options trading platform

The wonderful reality of binary options trading is that unlike the traditional Forex brokers, trading binary options does not involve a middle man. All you need to do is simply search Online for a binary options platform and select the best platform that you feel most comfortable with. Not all platforms offer the same benefits and you should select a platform that offers the best return, is user-friendly and you feel most comfortable with. Once you find a platform, sign up for the free account. Typically, most platforms require a very small start up deposit to begin. Keep in mind, most platforms use US Dollars as the standard currency traded.

Step 2: Choose an Asset

After you deposit funds into your binary options trading account, you will then choose the asset you would like to trade on which includes- commodities, stocks, currency pairs and indices.

Commodities: Oil, Gold…
Stocks: Apple, Microsoft, WalMart…
Currency Pairs:  USD/EUR/GBP…
Indices: Dow Jones, Nasdaq…

Step 3: Select your investment price

Next, during your binary options trading, you must decide what amount you would like to invest in. Needless to say, each binary options trading platform has its own specific parameters for the minimum or maximum trade allowed for each asset. Generally, this price is between $50 to $5000; however, you may trade on the same asset multiple times to increase your return.

Step 4: Predict your asset’s movement

Now here is where the fun begins during binary options trading- will your asset’s price rise or fall? At this point, you must estimate if your asset will be more inclined to increase from the underlying price it as currently at or will it decrease from the underlying price from where it is at.

You predict the asset price will increase: Call Option
You predict the asset price will decrease: Put Option

Step 5: Choose your binary options trading expiry

At this point in your binary options trading experience, you have the complete control over whether you would like to pursue a short term investment or a long term investment.  It is most exciting for investors to have this opportunity at a quick and high return since it is far in comparison to the traditional investment where you must wait for a quarter to expire. Binary options trading enables you to choose between end of the hour, day, week or month for each trade you select.

Step 6: Make high profits 
Depending on the binary options trading platform you are on, if your prediction was correct (you were “in-the-money”), your return could be as high as 70% of your initial investment. In any case, if your prediction was incorrect (you were “out-of-the-money’) then you completely lose your investment, but let’s hope otherwise! Remember that the key to binary options trading is having a general understanding of binary options since anyone whether financial savvy or new to the trading experience may take part in this market.

Your success to how to trade binary options

New investors in the binary options market often inquire what are the best methods in how to trade binary options.  While this answer may vary depending on who is giving the advice, we have consulted leading big investors for their feedback on how to be successful in this industry and how to trade binary options skillfully so that your investment experience is sure to be worthwhile.

To become a profitable binary options trader, the first step is finding your own niche at this market.  Not even the big investors became trading geniuses overnight.  Like anything else, it takes practice to master this trade.  Regardless, of your level and or financial knowledge, advanced investors all agree that even inexperienced investors can easily be successful in the beginning stages of how to trade binary options.

Choose the best and most convenient binary options platform
One of the most vital factors in you should consider in how to trade binary options successfully is finding the right binary options platform to trade from. When you begin searching online for your selection of platform choices you will find a handful to choose- each suggesting that they are the best to work with. Some of these platforms will even provide you with insider tips on the financial market and how to trade binary options. Most importantly, you should select a platform that provides you with a nice selection of assets to trade from so that you may have more diversity and a handful of expiry times to allow either short or long term investments. The platform should require no downloads and provide you with a simple and user-friendly experience so you may become a master in how to trade binary options. A platform that offers outstanding customer service and is available in multiple languages is always a benefit.

Choose an  asset you are familiar with
Once you are registered on a binary options platform, selecting the best asset that allows to you make high profit is essential. There are a plethora of assets to select from either whether it’s currency, stocks, commodities and/or indices. The question you ask yourself is how to trade binary options most effectively once you decide which asset you would like to invest in. The secret to this is very simple. The more familiar you are with the asset you choose, the better your prediction will be. For example, if you hear on world news reports that the value of oil is dropping then you will estimate that oil will drop and purchase a “Put” Option of Oil during your trade. The best advice to how to trade binary options is trade an asset that you feel most comfortable with the prediction and you feel is moving in the direction your inner feeling is telling you it is heading

Choose an expiry time that works best with your strategy
Many big investors admit that your selection in choosing the best expiry time is a key factor in how to trade binary options skillfully. The wonderful advantage of binary options is that the investor has the chance to select an expiry time- at the end of the hour, at the end of the day, at the end of the week or the end of the month. Depending on whether you are seeking a short term gain or long term gain, you will be able to decide what works best for you. If you feel you need more time for the asset to reach the underlying price you are predicting than perhaps a longer time period is what you are seeking. However, if you are hoping to gain a short term win, then end of the hour may suite your trading strategy better.

These are all key factors in how to trade binary options successfully. Start your trade today!

模拟option trade

在正式binary option  之前, 要做一些模拟演练,看看自己是否适合做这种交易。
我用的是tradesmarter, 一个小时的binary option。
从模拟的情况来看,大部分时间能达到>50% 的winning rate。
我模拟交易的是 currency
因为是一个小时的交易,所以我一般只在每个小时的30分钟以后才去看,如9点30,或10点30以后, 因为每个小时的后10分钟停止交易,所以时间我只用20分钟去看,然后大多在第45-50分钟的时候决定call or put.
我没有应用高深的公式,只是凭感觉。在出现大幅下跌的时后必然要反弹,大幅上涨后必然回调。要在出现明显新高或新低的情况下,我是指在40-50 分钟之间,果断决定call or put.如果横盘或涨跌不明显,就放弃。因为那种情况判断就实际等于瞎猜。

Articles   ($100 free start)

二元期权(Binary Option)交易讯号

经过一段时间的研究与交易,小弟在binary option里也领悟了不少,所以决定给于大家我交易的讯号,希望能够帮助到各位,尤其是对二元期权有兴趣的朋友。相信也有很多人觉得二元期权像赌博,风险很高,水钱又高,也曾经被人批评过,可是我也不曾放弃过研究,我可以告诉大家,我没有以赌博的心态去看它,进场的时候是有根有据的,而不是靠"估“的。我从明天起将会从游旧地,继续带动这块版,每天晚上都会提供交易二元期权的方案讯号,可以跟我一起交易,时间是美国时间九点,就是大马时间十点。可是要留意,过了一段时间,美国的时间就会调回跟我们一样,只是早上跟晚上的分别吧了。所以不要看错时间哦,跟美国时间九点就是了,因为期权是一个时间制的交易,时间对我们来说是很重要的。如果过了美国时间九点都没看到我的讯号就表示无讯号,就可以睡觉了,因为我一天只交易一次。大家如果对于二元期权玩法有疑问的话,可以去爬我的另一个贴,那边会有讲解。

好了,说完进场时间,下个环节就是资金管理。这个方案是没有玩马丁格的,每次投资额一定要一样,除非你的资金增加了。把资金分为20份,每次投资1份,就是说你的风险是5%,其实最好是能够把资金分为40份,那你的风险就只是2.5% 。每赚一年的钱,建议把20%的盈利提出,其余的就给它滚雪球。以下是我用的交易平台:

Tradesmarter (Click here)


不好意思,忘了提及这个策略的成绩,这个策略不是每天都会有进场讯号,根据上一年的报告,在过去的一年里面只有150天左右是有讯号,可以交易,当中只有110天左右是赚钱的,40天左右是亏的。其余的都是没有交易,例如美国假日,或者是没有讯号。所以不能说每个月可以有多少盈利,因为这是根据一年交易日来计算。小弟还会一直提升自己的策略,希望可以有更好的成绩。以前我是很强调盈利的,还不时挖掘每天都赚钱的策略,可是过后还是不能,户口的钱时常打回原形,后来才知道原因,要做到盈利,首先是要保护你的账号,减少亏损,盈利就自然会来,连本都难保就别期望要赚钱,因为这不是赚就是亏,所以有时没进场也不会觉得有什么损失,起码可以避开亏损的机率。以我看来,这个策略在短期内是看不到什么大钱,可是胜在够稳,够踏实。可是复合盈利率计算的话,长期来说是可以看到很好的回报的,这就是巴菲特常说的长期复合盈利了,也是他在短短几十年把身家翻好几百倍的方法。可是最怕就是当时不知我的broker还在不在吧了。 经过一番辛苦,觉得策略只是其次,最重要是心态,其二是资金管理,最后才是策略。心态和资金管理都可以说是你的管制范围,而策略就不能确保市场时常会听你的话,所以我把它放到最后。小弟以前就是亏了就乱了心态,一直冲,结果就撞板了,简直跟赌博没有分别。这也是我所遇到的挫折,也是我一直研究外汇的动力,希望能让大家走少一些冤枉路

二元期权(Binary Option), 每小时可赚85%

为大家介绍二元期权, 玩法很简单,只需要顺利预测期权的走势,不管多少点差,你就可以赢得这个合约..以下有两个平台可以供参考.


平台1) 特点:  Tradesmarter                            平台 2) 特点:Anyoption 1)回酬比较高 (最高85%)                          1) 回酬比较低 (最高71%)

2)没那么多asset可以玩                             2)比较多asset可以玩(从外汇,商品,到股票都比较多选择)

3)期权没到时不能卖回给公司                   3)期权没到时可以卖回给公司,请看option+

4)每次最少投资10美元                               4)每次最少投资30美元

5 )只能玩每小时                                          5)可以玩每小时,每天,甚至是每星期。每星期回酬率都比较高

6) 澳洲监管局监管                                         6)据说是欧盟监管,可是无法证实。

7)有些asset到期时,亏了可以保本15%  7)所有asset到期时,亏了可以保本15%

(通常都是比较少回酬的asset, 少于80%)                


特点:1)60 秒期权
            2)可以自定期权结算时间 (让你们更加容易掌握风险,以及预测期权价位方向)
            4)   投资多样化,最少投资USD 5 (只限60秒期权), 其他的一律最少USD 25. 自定期权最少USD100       
            5)  多样化风险管理, 自定式期权可以调节风险与回酬选项,最高可以达到保本80%,当然回酬也只有10%。


1) Tradesmarter (Click here)
2) Anyoption (Click here)
3) TradeRush (Click here)




1) 7 Key Success Rules for Binary Trading
2) Trading System for Binary Options
3) Binary Option Trading Tutorial: Hedging an in the money call option
4) How to Make Money with Binary Options                                                                                     
5) Making Money in Binary Options- up to 90% winning system

1)  Why should you trade with regulated binary options broker 

2) Regulation in Binary Options: ASIC



鲜为人知的二元期权并非期权市场里的一潭死水,相反,对于散户投资者而言,成长型二元期权就像十年前散户外汇交易(Retail Forex)一样,必将脱颖而出,平步青云。










这个新兴市场让人联想到八年或十年前的散户外汇交易市场(Retail Forex Market, RFM)。它是一个低成本新兴投资选择,投资客户只需简单点击一下鼠标就能够在基于Web的实时平台上进行所有的交易。该交易平台通常提供在线指导和演示交易账户。












下图简述了一个二元看涨期权,显示出上/下二元看涨期权的到期价值(粗黑线)和到期前的理论价值(曲线),在到期前会有两个价值,V1和V2, 其中V2>V1。当期权到期时,如果基础工具的价格P大于期权的执行价格X,那么该期权将会获得较大的到期价值。






 二元期权(Binary Options),亦称作数字期权或固定收益期权,到期时只有两种可能结果。基于一种资产在规定时间内(例如未来的一小时)收盘价格是低于还是高于执行价格的结果,决定是否获得收益。
执行二元期权交易,投资商可以使用在线中文二元期权交易平台如:Start Options 公司的网络平台。无论是新手还是老手都能使用并全部基于网络:
选择标的资产如:交易货币对:GBP/JPY 或 USD/EUR。判断价格走向:这样你能知道是买看涨期权还是看跌期权。选择你想投资的数额。 在一个二元期权交易平台上完成以上步骤,所有的投资商需要做的就是等待合约到期。如果期权期满是价内期权,投资商将获得他投入资本的60%至80%收益。

1.选择方向:  看涨期权-假如你认为交易关闭时价格将高于现价就选择看涨  看跌期权-假如你认为交易关闭时价格将低于现价就选择看跌 



Binary option

In finance, a binary option is a type of option where the payoff is either some fixed amount of some asset or nothing at all. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option. The cash-or-nothing binary option pays some fixed amount of cash if the option expires in-the-money while the asset-or-nothing pays the value of the underlying security. Thus, the options are binary in nature because there are only two possible outcomes. They are also called all-or-nothing options, digital options (more common in forex/interest rate markets), and Fixed Return Options (FROs) (on the American Stock Exchange). Binary options are usually European-style options.

For example, a purchase is made of a binary cash-or-nothing call option on XYZ Corp's stock struck at $100 with a binary payoff of $1000. Then, if at the future maturity date, the stock is trading at or above $100, $1000 is received. If its stock is trading below $100, nothing is received.

In the popular Black-Scholes model, the value of a digital option can be expressed in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function.

Non exchange-traded binary options Binary options contracts have long been available Over-the-counter (OTC), i.e. sold directly by the issuer to the buyer. They were generally considered "exotic" instruments and there was no liquid market for trading these instruments between their issuance and expiration. They were often seen embedded in more complex option contracts.

Since mid-2008 binary options web-sites called binary option trading platforms have been offering a simplified version of exchange-traded binary options. It is estimated that around 50 such platforms (including white label products) have been in operation as of January 2011, offering options on some 70 underlying assets.

 Exchange-traded binary options In 2007, the Options Clearing Corporation proposed a rule change to allow binary options,[1] and the Securities and Exchange Commission approved listing cash-or-nothing binary options in 2008.[2] In May 2008, the American Stock Exchange (Amex) launched exchange-traded European cash-or-nothing binary options, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) followed in June 2008. The standardization of binary options allows them to be exchange-traded with continuous quotations.

Amex offers binary options on some ETFs and a few highly liquid equities such as Citigroup and Google.[3] Amex calls binary options "Fixed Return Options"; calls are named "Finish High" and puts are named "Finish Low". To reduce the threat of market manipulation of single stocks, Amex FROs use a "settlement index" defined as a volume-weighted average of trades on the expiration day.[4] The American Stock Exchange and Donato A. Montanaro submitted a patent application for exchange-listed binary options using a volume-weighted settlement index in 2005.[5]

CBOE offers binary options on the S&P 500 (SPX) and the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX).[6] The tickers for these are BSZ[7] and BVZ,[8] respectively. CBOE only offers calls, as binary put options are trivial to create synthetically from binary call options. BSZ strikes are at 5-point intervals and BVZ strikes are at 1-point intervals. The actual underlying to BSZ and BVZ are based on the opening prices of index basket members.

Both Amex and CBOE listed options have values between $0 and $1, with a multiplier of 100, and tick size of $0.01, and are cash settled.[6][9]

In 2009 Nadex, the North American Derivatives Exchange, launched and now offers a suite of binary options vehicles.[10] Nadex binary options are available on a range Stock Index Futures, Spot Forex, Commodity Futures, and Economic Events.

Example of a Binary Options Trade A trader who thinks that the EUR/USD strike price will close at or above 1.2500 at 3:00 p.m. can buy a call option on that outcome. A trader who thinks that the EUR/USD strike price will close at or below 1.2500 at 3:00 p.m. can buy a put option or sell the contract.

At 2:00 p.m. the EUR/USD spot price is 1.2490. the trader believes this will increase, so he buys 10 call options for EUR/USD at or above 1.2500 at 3:00 p.m. at a cost of $40 each.

The risk involved in this trade is known. The trader’s gross profit/loss follows the ‘all or nothing’ principle. He can lose all the money he invested, which in this case is $40 x 10 = $400, or make a gross profit of $100 x 10 = $1000. If the EUR/USD strike price will close at or above 1.2500 at 3:00 p.m. the trader's net profit will be the payoff at expiry minus the cost of the option: $1000 – $400 = $600.

The trader can also choose to liquidate (buy or sell to close) his position prior to expiration, at which point the option value is not guaranteed to be $100. The larger the gap between the spot price and the strike price, the value of the option decreases, as the option is less likely to expire in the money.

In this example, at 3:00 p.m. the spot has risen to 1.2505. The option has expired in the money and the gross payoff is $1000. The trader's net profit is $600.

二元期权(binary options)

二元期权,又称数字期权、“赌博”期权、或非全有即全无期权。如果基础工具满足预先确定的启动条件,二元期权将支付一个固定金额,在其他情形下则不支付任何收益。   什么是二元期权   二元期权,亦称作数字期权或固定收益期权,到期时只有两种可能结果。基于一种资产在规定时间内(例如未来的一小时)收盘价格是低于还是高于执行价格的结果,决定是否获得收益。 编辑本段两元期权的原理  二元期权的收入是固定的,该固定收入由标的资产的价格是否满足条件决定。例如,如果到期日股票价格超过执行价格,二元期权可能会支付100美元的固定金额。   投资者可以决定预期的市场走势,预计市场价格水平和时间。由于二元期权,投资者可以通过预计市场走势来达到丰厚的收益或完全把握自己的投资来避免一定的市场风险。投资者交易二元期权时可以选择欧洲数字期权或欧洲数字区域期权。欧洲数字期权用于当投资者能够判断升或降的市场趋势却无法确定这个趋势的幅度;而欧洲数字区域期权则用于上升(外部)和下降(内部)的市场波动。在这些交易中,投资者能够买入或卖出这两种期权。   大多数情况下,二元期权的价值取决于基础证券或基础资产的价格。其条件是,该价格必须达到或超过一个特定的水平,从而保证期权到期时是价内期权从而拥有更高的价值。这个更高的价值可能代表期权初始投资额70%甚至更高的收益。较低的价值就意味着亏损。

二元期权的一个突出特征和投资优势在于,它只需在到期时有价格增额就会获得更高的价值。因此,即便是在市场清淡时期,二元期权也会给投资者带来显著的投资收益。相反,如果购买常规期权,那么要想获得正的投资收益就要求有较大的市场波动。   二元期权不是传统意义上的期权,因为不像原始交易工具,二元期权不能赋予你权利买卖标的资产,取而代之的是你有权利获得固定的回报(通常在65%-81%之间)。   二元期权交易   执行二元期权交易,投资商可以使用在线二元期权交易平台如:AnyoptionSXP,Banc De Binary无论是新手还是老手都能使用并全部基于网络:   选择标的资产如:交易货币对:GBP/JPY 或 USD/EUR。判断价格走向这样你能知道是买看涨期权还是看跌期权。选择你想投资的数额。 在一个二元期权交易平台上完成以上步骤,所有的投资商需要做的就是等待合约到期。如果期权期满是价内期权,投资商将获得他投入资本的60%至80%收益。另一种情况,如果是价外期权,他们将损失所有的投资。但目前交易平台一般返回高至10%的原始投资。

两元期权的益处  二元期权普及的原因(益处)   不管期权期满是否是价内期权还是价外期权,投资商可以熟知他的风险范围,对于期权期满在价内期权,他将获得投资资本的在60% 到 80% 之间的收益,另一方面,如果到期为价外期权,那么仅失去投资的85%。跨过执行价格的价格波动不需要与期权收益的大小相称。一点点价内期权足以让投资商获得全部收益。投资商不用研究市场的细节以期获得的价格移动的范围。他只需知道价格移动的方向。因为交易者有能力基于价格方向决定所投资的标的资产类型,期满时间和期权类型(看涨或看跌),交易二元期权显得十分灵活。由于短期期满时间范围在每时,每日,每周,每月之间,投资商能迅速的将其资本转向更多的投资机会以此达到他资本的最大化。
交易举例  如何交易期权?   1.选择方向:   看涨期权-假如你认为交易关闭时价格将高于现价就选择看涨   看跌期权-假如你认为交易关闭时价格将低于现价就选择看跌   2.选择投资数额   3.确认交易   二元期权交易举例   如果投资客户相信下午三点时谷歌(Google)每股价格会超过当前市价(571.15美元),那么他将会点击绿色按钮购买看涨期权;反之则购买看跌期权。然而,无论是购买看涨期权还是看跌期权,如果投资客户的价格预期被印证是正确的,那么他/她将获得相当于原始投资70%的净收益。本例中,投资100美元将获得170美元的回报。预测错误的投资客户将只能面临初始投资10%的结局,本例中即意味着产生90美元的净损失。购买二元期权之后,投资客户能够在下午三点之前一直观测股价走势,到期时到期价格会在交易平台上予以显示。   期权仅有两种可能结果的一种。进行期权交易时,我们只需要问自己两个问题,首先我们所分析的市场价格目前是怎样?其次我们能预测自某时起的固定时间段价格是上涨还是下跌。举个例子,假如你投资100美元并预测欧元/美元的汇率自现在起一小时后将上涨。如果你的预测是正确的,你将获得70%的收益即170美元。假如预测错误,你的期权低于执行价你将损失最初的100美元的投资并且一分钱的回报都没有(但目前大部分的在线期权交易平台均可返还您的投资5-10%)。期权就是这样一种非全有即全无的交易方式。你现在应该能够开始意识到为什么期权能在交易市场中迅速成为最简单最流行的方式并且让在线交易商获得巨大收益。

前景展望   基于Web的二元期权散户交易正处于成长阶段。除以上所描述的特征之外,投资客户会毫无疑问期望交易型基础工具的价格在其变动范围内有所增长。随着电子交易平台性能不断增强和拓展,所有这一切将进一步促使投资者进行这种零散型的二元期权交易。   二元期权的这种简化大大吸引了投资新手,特别是对那些视常规期权交易复杂繁重的投资者来说,二元期权简直就是福音。再者,二元期权更短的生命周期意味着投资客户只需要预测下一个小时价格变动情况,而不像常规期权那样,需要预测多天或多周的价格变动情况。