Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Steps to binary options trading

Once you have begun binary options trading, you will see why big investors are flocking to this market. Binary options trading is new, exciting and allows you to make high profits either short or long term. If you haven’t already joined abinary options platform, what are you waiting for? Join a platform today and follow this guide to assist your binary options trading experience. When you begin binary options trading, you will surely understand why this new industry is booming and how you, too, can join the big investors and make high sums of money.

Step 1: Join the best binary options trading platform

The wonderful reality of binary options trading is that unlike the traditional Forex brokers, trading binary options does not involve a middle man. All you need to do is simply search Online for a binary options platform and select the best platform that you feel most comfortable with. Not all platforms offer the same benefits and you should select a platform that offers the best return, is user-friendly and you feel most comfortable with. Once you find a platform, sign up for the free account. Typically, most platforms require a very small start up deposit to begin. Keep in mind, most platforms use US Dollars as the standard currency traded.

Step 2: Choose an Asset

After you deposit funds into your binary options trading account, you will then choose the asset you would like to trade on which includes- commodities, stocks, currency pairs and indices.

Commodities: Oil, Gold…
Stocks: Apple, Microsoft, WalMart…
Currency Pairs:  USD/EUR/GBP…
Indices: Dow Jones, Nasdaq…

Step 3: Select your investment price

Next, during your binary options trading, you must decide what amount you would like to invest in. Needless to say, each binary options trading platform has its own specific parameters for the minimum or maximum trade allowed for each asset. Generally, this price is between $50 to $5000; however, you may trade on the same asset multiple times to increase your return.

Step 4: Predict your asset’s movement

Now here is where the fun begins during binary options trading- will your asset’s price rise or fall? At this point, you must estimate if your asset will be more inclined to increase from the underlying price it as currently at or will it decrease from the underlying price from where it is at.

You predict the asset price will increase: Call Option
You predict the asset price will decrease: Put Option

Step 5: Choose your binary options trading expiry

At this point in your binary options trading experience, you have the complete control over whether you would like to pursue a short term investment or a long term investment.  It is most exciting for investors to have this opportunity at a quick and high return since it is far in comparison to the traditional investment where you must wait for a quarter to expire. Binary options trading enables you to choose between end of the hour, day, week or month for each trade you select.

Step 6: Make high profits 
Depending on the binary options trading platform you are on, if your prediction was correct (you were “in-the-money”), your return could be as high as 70% of your initial investment. In any case, if your prediction was incorrect (you were “out-of-the-money’) then you completely lose your investment, but let’s hope otherwise! Remember that the key to binary options trading is having a general understanding of binary options since anyone whether financial savvy or new to the trading experience may take part in this market.

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